Monday, April 21, 2014

Hey Baby!!

Over the past few days I have reached a new milestone of pregnancy...I can feel body parts!

At just about any given time, I can run my hand over my tummy and feel exactly where the baby is hanging out.  I never know exactly WHAT I'm feeling, but it's pretty solid! Sometimes it moves too, which is how Andrew felt the baby move yesterday! 

I think it's so cool to actually be able to "touch" my baby.  The idea of being a parent is getting very real very quickly, and I love that.  There's a real little person in there, with body parts and bones and everything!!!  I also love watching my belly do the wave - although the added pressure of a foot or hand or booty or elbow or whatever pushing against the inside of my stomach is not the most pleasant of things...

Sometimes she kicks Piper while she is on my tummy, and we like to imagine her saying "Hey, get off my mom!" They're both in for a treat when she is born.  When I imagine our life with Baby I picture Andrew playing with Piper while I feed Baby, or me with Piper while he rocks her to sleep - I do not picture me with Baby and Piper by myself.  Unfortunately, that will likely be my reality for at least the first few weeks of her life, and I really cannot figure out how I am going to get through that adjustment for both Piper and myself to life with a baby.  I'm sure we'll figure it out together though, and we'll all be really excited when Daddy comes home!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Baby Feet

I love baby feet.
Specifically, I love MY baby's feet.
I know, I know, I haven't seen them yet...but I already know I love them.

One of my favorite things to do is think. I'm definitely a thinker, and anyone who knows me well would agree that I'm an OVERthinker about 98% of the time.  

Right now, my favorite thing to think about is my baby, and how she will affect our little family.  Andrew is super excited about baby-wearing, so I picture us walking through the park with a baby on his chest and a leash in my hand (for the DOG, not Andrew).  I think about her floppy newborn arms and legs, and trying to get her dressed.  I think about her tiny hands, her tiny ears, and yes, her tiny feet (and even tinier TOES!!!).  I even think about changing her diaper - I'm excited about that too, although I'm sure I'll get my fill of that one in the first day of her life... I have dreams about her carseat and stroller.  I'll admit that's weird, but I'm okay with it.  I imagine us fighting for the right to put her to sleep, or hold her through church.  I'm pretty sure I'll be one of those moms who struggles with the concept of never waking a sleeping baby...I know it's a bad idea, so I WON'T...I think.

I know it's going to be a huge life changer, but I really think we're ready.  I've been feeling for a long time that I MISS her.  Like I've already met her and she's already mine, and it's just been a while since we've seen each other. A really long while.  

I love you little girl. See you soon. (But not TOO soon! You aren't ready yet!)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Crossing the Pond

We learned recently that Andrew will be stationed at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) near Mons, Belgium.  SHAPE is also known as NATO headquarters, which means that we will not be at a U.S. military base.  

We are very excited to begin this new adventure, but before we can get there we have A LOT to do.  With Andrew gone, the stuff sorting, paperwork preparation, and question asking will largely be my responsibility.  Not to mention the on-going process of baby-making, and all of the aches, pains, doctor visits, and anxiety that comes with it.

We've both been doing a ton of research about the area and formulating our "plan" for various things that most people don't have to think about. (For example, Verizon does not exist in Belgium. :-( But they have excellent CHOCOLATE!!! Which is way more important in my prego head. Who really needs phones anyway?)

Overall I'm more than a little overwhelmed, but have confidence that I'll be able to do it.  If not, we'll probably just end up in Europe with a bunch of stuff we don't really need...(or maybe no stuff at all, who knows)...which wouldn't be the end of the world. I hope.  As long as I can get myself, my newborn (she'll be born 1-2 months before we leave), and my dog over there with Andrew, I know we'll be fine.  Family is way more important than stuff anyway. :-)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Our Home

What is home?

To me, home is where we feel most comfortable.  It's with the people we love, preferably in our pajamas, together.  As a new military wife, I've already come to realize that to be happy, I will have to create a feeling of home wherever we happen to be.  

That will be what this blog is about - home. Specifically, my home, and what makes it home.

Right now, our home is separated into two parts. There's my husband (Andrew), who is currently in Technical School to become a Broadcast Journalist for the United States Air Force.  He goes to class during the day and then does homework at night, talking to us whenever he can throughout the day.

Then there is our dog (Piper), our unborn (unnamed) baby girl, and me (Amy).  The three of us currently live with Andrew's parents, who spoil us all.  I generally spend my mornings at home with Piper and my afternoons at the bookstore where I work part-time.  Piper spends her days sleeping and running in the backyard, hoping for treats along the way.  Baby spends her days sleeping, flipping, and kicking her mama in the bladder.

For now, that's home.  Being separated definitely makes us appreciate each other a little more, and reminds us that we're a family no matter what.  We're definitely looking forward to sharing a house again though!