Friday, April 4, 2014

Crossing the Pond

We learned recently that Andrew will be stationed at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) near Mons, Belgium.  SHAPE is also known as NATO headquarters, which means that we will not be at a U.S. military base.  

We are very excited to begin this new adventure, but before we can get there we have A LOT to do.  With Andrew gone, the stuff sorting, paperwork preparation, and question asking will largely be my responsibility.  Not to mention the on-going process of baby-making, and all of the aches, pains, doctor visits, and anxiety that comes with it.

We've both been doing a ton of research about the area and formulating our "plan" for various things that most people don't have to think about. (For example, Verizon does not exist in Belgium. :-( But they have excellent CHOCOLATE!!! Which is way more important in my prego head. Who really needs phones anyway?)

Overall I'm more than a little overwhelmed, but have confidence that I'll be able to do it.  If not, we'll probably just end up in Europe with a bunch of stuff we don't really need...(or maybe no stuff at all, who knows)...which wouldn't be the end of the world. I hope.  As long as I can get myself, my newborn (she'll be born 1-2 months before we leave), and my dog over there with Andrew, I know we'll be fine.  Family is way more important than stuff anyway. :-)

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