Thursday, July 30, 2015


When my oldest niece was two or three, she would look at something she found gross and exclaim, "That's biscusting!"  Oftentimes, it was something her baby brother was doing that she, as the resident Big Girl, simply could not fathom (drool, poopy diaper, etc).  We would calmly explain that whatever he was doing was just "what babies do", until she was convinced enough to move past it.

Now that CJ has reached the solid food phase, I find myself constantly battling my inner two-year-old.  Because seriously, it is DISGUSTING!  Slimy banana pieces and blueberry juice are just not my favorite accessories.  Every time she eats I have to fight the urge to wipe her up after every bite, feed her myself with the spoon, or just puree everything and let her drink it with a straw.  I know she has to learn, and it is good for her motor skills to practice eating different types of food.  

Still, every meal is an inner battle of: "That's biscusting!" vs. "That's what babies do."